Other national sources

First Nations Information Governance Centre

Includes First Nations Regional Health Survey and First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (find out more about the FNIGC)

  • Producer: FNIGC surveys
  • Geography: National level
  • Population/Theme: First Nations

Community-Based Resource Centre (CBRC)

Community-Based Resource Centre “promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.” They collect qualitative and quantitative data that contain information about 2S/LGBTQQIA+ communities across Canada. Topics range from sexual experiences to chronic health conditions and more. (find out more about CBRC)

Data access:

Survey of Muslims in Canada

In 2006, the Environics Institute’s inaugural project was the first-ever national survey to examine the relationship between Canadian Muslims and Canadian. (find out more about the SMC)

  • Producer: Environics Canada
  • Geography: National level
  • Population/Theme: Religion, discrimination and ethnicity
  • Years covered: 2006

Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study

The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study is an extensive research study that has gone beyond the numbers to capture the values, experiences and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples living in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. (find out more about the UAPS)

  • Producer: Environics Canada
  • Geography: 11 Canadian cities
  • Population/Theme: First Nations
  • Years covered: Data collected 2009-2010