April 2017: Mental Health and Wellness

It’s exam season, one of the most stressful times of year for students, so this month Scholars Portal is shining a spotlight on student mental health, wellness, and coping. Explore the challenges that face young adults in school and in their personal lives, take a deep dive into stress, anxiety, well-being and resilience, and learn more about academic success and achievement through Scholars Portal’s services. For more information, visit the booksjournals, and <odesi> platforms.

Mental health in Ontario's post-secondary education system Resilience and mental health: Challenges across the lifespan Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens through the twenties Serving diverse students in Canadian higher education Stress and your health: From vulnerability to resilience


Journal Articles


Canadian Community Health Survey, 2012: Mental Health Component

This survey offers a comprehensive look at the mental health status of Canadians (on both illness and positive mental health continuums) through selected disorders and mental health problems. It also includes information about the utilization of mental health care services and supports, and the functioning, ability, or disability of Canadians.

Source: <odesi>, via Statistics Canada

Post-Secondary Student Information System, 1992-2010 [Canada]

This national survey provides detailed information about enrollments and graduates of Canadian post-secondary education institutions, including college age groups, field of study, gender, immigration status, program level, and province of study and residence.

Source: <odesi>, via Statistics Canada